Developing good neighbors skills and values in children through programs that nourish, educate and support them while providing life-changing experiences for college students through leadership development internships.

SML Good Neighbors Summer Enrichment Day Camps 2023 Intern Job Description
Introduction: The Good Neighbors Summer Enrichment Day Camp (GNSDC) is a values-based program which seeks to develop good neighbor skills and values in children through programs that nourish, educate and support them through a united church, school and community effort. Area churches in partnership with area schools and local civic organizations support this program. The program frequently partners with schools to integrate summer school into the camp program. The camp is built around the Good Neighbors Curriculum and includes the following goals:
● To provide nutritious food for children during the summer months.
● To provide assistance with communication skills – reading, writing, speaking as
well as other academic enrichments.
● To teach and model life skills for living peacefully with self and others.
● To teach children about the diversity in our world.
● To help children recognize their capacity to make a difference in this world and to
see their connection to a larger world.
There are two camps, one in Franklin County and one in Bedford County. Each camp is typically four weeks in length. The camp operates from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday (interns may have some Fridays off). Summer teaching staff interns are expected to stay at the Good Neighbors headquarters Monday - Friday and to work collaboratively as necessary to be prepared each day. Interns will need to arrive a week before camp begins to participate in training and orientation (Exact dates will be updated ASAP once established with the school facilities - Estimated dates of the internship are May 22, 2023 through July 21, 2023 but could be pushed back by one week).
Note: Interns arrive in late May to early June to begin In-Service Training Program before camp begins. (Exact dates will be updated ASAP)
Intern responsibilities:
❖ Complete a week of in-service training
❖ Facilitate the Good Neighbors Curriculum
❖ Work cooperatively with volunteers
❖ Classroom management
❖ Select, coordinate and lead music, recreation, academic, arts and crafts
activities (getting approval from assistant site director for media to be shown/listened to)
Updated 10/12/22
❖ Keep necessary records for each child
❖ Work as a team in planning daily lessons and activities consistent with the
Good Neighbors curriculum (lesson planning)
❖ Report on time daily (at camp and ready to work at 7:45 a.m.) and stay until
the children have left the building, staff has debriefed and the classrooms
are in order for the next day
❖ Conduct themselves in a responsible way at all times
❖ Be an enthusiastic and energetic example of Good Neighbors for our
campers and community
❖ Responsible for their own transportation to the Smith Mountain Lake
❖ Report all problems to the Program Coordinator, Site Director, School
Administrator or the Executive Director
❖ Share a home with the other interns and maintain a clean and organized
environment and comply with all policies (this will include chore assignments such as cleaning, assisting with grocery shopping, cooking, carpooling and any activities necessary to promote a happy and healthy living space within the intern community)
❖ Work collaboratively with certified teachers when partnering with summer school programs.
Intern Support:
❖ Support and supervision by the Site Director, Program Coordinator and Executive Director
❖ Training about the Good Neighbors curriculum, classroom management, lesson planning, orientation and supervision of volunteers, developmental learning stages of children, learning styles, child protection policies and procedures
❖ Regular discussions on integrating Good Neighbors values into the daily activities
❖ Mentoring by experienced teachers as needed
❖ Community hospitality, fellowship and support through families, churches
and civic organizations
❖ Peer learning, support and encouragement
❖ Housing is provided
❖ Gasoline for local travel to and from camps and limited groceries are
Updated 10/12/22
❖ Stipend (first year interns receive $1,750, returning interns receive $2,000 and site director intern receives $2,500)
Application period opens November 1, 2022
Apply online through our website at www.smlgoodneighbors.org
2023 Summer Internships
SML Good Neighbors offers a nine (9) week (Late May, 2023 - July, 2023), summer internship working with children who are rising 1st through 6th graders in summer enrichment programs. The children are from families with limited resources. Our summer teaching staff (interns) will lead the program with the support and assistance of the Program Coordinator, the Site Director, Executive Director, public school teachers and dozens of volunteers. Lodging and meal/gasoline support are provided as well as a $1,750 stipend for first year interns (stipend increases for returning interns). The program is located in the Smith Mountain Lake community near Moneta, Virginia.
We currently have positions for up to eleven (11) interns. Interns live together in provided housing and one of our primary objectives is to provide a vocational exploration experience for the interns. Both male and female applicants are sought. All college majors are welcome. The interns provide very powerful role models for the children we serve. See our website: www.smlgoodneighbors.org for more information about the program and the internship. Internship applications can be completed online on our website. You can also communicate directly with Lisa Lietz, Executive Director, if you need assistance or have questions: email llietz@smlgoodneighbors.org or call 540-585-4912.
More information and applications are available on the website: www.smlgoodneighbors.org beginning November 1, 2022.
Deadline for applications is Sunday, February 24, 2023. Interviews will be conducted throughout the application period and completed by the end of February. All applicants will be notified of our final decisions by mid-late March. We encourage applicants to apply early, as positions may be offered during the application period.